Reichskultursenators jetzt nicht an, die Kadenz rotzt er ja geradezu hin, grausam...
Vielleicht wird sein Spiel auch nur einfach im Rückblick verklärt....ja er spielt wahrscheinlich technisch brilliant, aber sein Spiel lässt mich völlig kalt - gute Hintergrundmusik

, genau wie beim diesjährigen Gewinner des Tschaikowsky Wettbewerbs.
Gibt es da wirklich keine bessere Aufnahme eines Profis mit Empathie, statt dieses langweiligen, risikolosen, angepassten Spieles.
passt irgendwie :
"The violinist Leila Doubleday Pirani wrote that on November 20, 1938 she attended a concert by Backhaus in London (conducted by
Adrian Boult ) with the Viennese Jewish violinist
Alma Rosé. Ms. Rosé told Pirani that Backhaus "was a great friend of the family" so took her backstage to greet the pianist after the concert; but Pirani writes that while "Boult greeted us nicely," Backhaus, upon seeing Rosé, "turned his back and walked through a passage"; Pirani called the incident "a stab in the back by this cowardly man, who for fear of his Nazi masters could not behave decently, even in London.".
[5] The incident is reported by Richard Newman, who adds that Backhaus eventually moved to Switzerland "in opposition to the Nazi regime" and says his "offensive behavior... may have been due to his awareness of German agents operating in London at the time..."
der Spiegel nennt die Langeweile "Objektivität"....