- Dabei seit
- 21. Jan. 2007
- Beiträge
- 11.600
- Reaktionen
- 17.773
Liebe Clavios,
Seit einiger Zeit unterrichte ich einen afghanischen Flüchtling in Klavier. Er ist in New York gelandet und kann nicht mehr in seine Heimat zurück, weil er dort verfolgt wird und auch keine Musik ausüben kann. Eine Dozentin hat mich gefragt, ob ich ihn auf eine Aufnahmeprüfung vorbereiten könnte, und das versuche ich nun nach Kräften. Er ist sehr ehrgeizig und versteht schnell, aber es fehlen noch viele Grundlagen. Bewerbungsschluss (inklusive Bewerbungsvideos) ist am 1. Dezember 2016, Aufnahmeprüfung im März 2017. Ich hoffe, er schafft es.
Eigentlich wollte ich nicht so ausführlich hier davon berichten, aber eben sendete er mir eine so besondere E-Mail, dass ich sofort gefragt habe, ob ich sie hier veröffentlichen darf - er ist einverstanden. Dazu kann ich noch sagen: Heute ist sein 22. Geburtstag. Ich habe seinen Namen abgekürzt (M.) und die Personen unkenntlich gemacht zu ihrem Schutz.
In 2012 after lots of research finally I have informed that there is a Piano in one of the yards 20 miles away from where we have lived, the piano was completely out of tune and dusty, it was one of the very few pianos that had survived after civil war cause the musicians at that time have been burring it under ground somewhere, I bought it 200 dollars, it was a dream come true for me, everyone told me that I can not fix that piano cause it was almost dead but I was very hopeful.
My cousins and friends helped me bring it to the third floor, the piano was made in Russia which was extremely heavy, finally we could put it in our hall, after lots if searching finally I found someone named (BABA SHARIF) who mostly tunes harmonium told me nothing is impossible I will fix it for you and he did it. I was extremely happy, he fixed my broken piano and tuned it many times cause it was very old, the date under piano was from 1952, after that I was practicing for hours every single day and after 2 years finally a piano technician came from Australia to ANIM, for 2 weeks he was one of the great piano technician in Australia which was piano technician in the most famous movie (SHINE), during these 2 weeks I have learnt most of the technics and tuning is spite of teaching my classes, he told me he was very surprised with my work after I tuned some pianos at ANIM, he told me that he will invite me to Australia to attend his courses for few months cause he told me I learnt almost 1 year work in 2 weeks and the day after he came to my house and checked my piano as a gift to me, I was very happy and I have been fixing and tuning my piano every month after that, few days later I have informed that Dr. Sarmast talked to him about me and he does not want me to go anywhere and he canceled the plan for Australia, I was upset about that but I could not do anything about it, finally he lift ANIM.
We did not have a TV in our hall for 1 year and my mom was upset about that sometimes, specially while the guests were coming to our house my mom seemed more sad than usual cause sometimes they were asking about TV, one day I told my mom that I want to sell my piano cause I want to buy the new one, she said: (Why do you want to sell your piano? you love your piano more than anything and specially you love old and antique things!) I said: I just want to buy the new one cause it is old enough now, my mom did not know that there is no new piano in the entire country, I sold it finally for few hundred dollars and it was the worst day of my year cause my piano was part of me, it was my soul, as if I sold my soul, few days later I surprised her, I took the money of my piano and brought her a LED 3D TV with 3D glasses, the first 3D movie we ever watched together was (Journey 2, The mysterious Island), I noticed a lasting smile in my mother's face after long time specially after loosing my dad, it was the first smile, which made me spiritually happy, I told to my self that night (Great job Milad! you did it!), but my mother never realized the secret after I sold my piano (My Soul), which was my father's memory, how much I cried after that, every night I was watching my pianos place it was empty, there was no piano anymore, I was crying under the blanket on my bed every night for months and months but my mother never knew what I have been through after I sold my piano, I am happy now cause I sacrificed for my mother as she sacrifices her self for us all the time. I just wanted to let you know about my piano story, so that some of your students might feel lucky to have their instruments at home.
Ich dachte bei dieser Geschichte sofort an @GSTLP aber auch an alle anderen Klavierbauer und sonstige Leser des Forums. Eben hatten wir noch eine kurze Konversation per SMS, in der er schreibt, dass er immer noch sehr traurig über den Verlust ist, dass er seine Familie vermisst und sich manchmal egoistisch vorkommt, weil er sie zurückgelassen hat, obwohl ihm alle sagten, er solle gehen.
Das macht mich alles sehr nachdenklich, traurig und dankbar gleichzeitig, und euch ja vielleicht auch.
Eure Stilblüte
Seit einiger Zeit unterrichte ich einen afghanischen Flüchtling in Klavier. Er ist in New York gelandet und kann nicht mehr in seine Heimat zurück, weil er dort verfolgt wird und auch keine Musik ausüben kann. Eine Dozentin hat mich gefragt, ob ich ihn auf eine Aufnahmeprüfung vorbereiten könnte, und das versuche ich nun nach Kräften. Er ist sehr ehrgeizig und versteht schnell, aber es fehlen noch viele Grundlagen. Bewerbungsschluss (inklusive Bewerbungsvideos) ist am 1. Dezember 2016, Aufnahmeprüfung im März 2017. Ich hoffe, er schafft es.
Eigentlich wollte ich nicht so ausführlich hier davon berichten, aber eben sendete er mir eine so besondere E-Mail, dass ich sofort gefragt habe, ob ich sie hier veröffentlichen darf - er ist einverstanden. Dazu kann ich noch sagen: Heute ist sein 22. Geburtstag. Ich habe seinen Namen abgekürzt (M.) und die Personen unkenntlich gemacht zu ihrem Schutz.
In 2012 after lots of research finally I have informed that there is a Piano in one of the yards 20 miles away from where we have lived, the piano was completely out of tune and dusty, it was one of the very few pianos that had survived after civil war cause the musicians at that time have been burring it under ground somewhere, I bought it 200 dollars, it was a dream come true for me, everyone told me that I can not fix that piano cause it was almost dead but I was very hopeful.
My cousins and friends helped me bring it to the third floor, the piano was made in Russia which was extremely heavy, finally we could put it in our hall, after lots if searching finally I found someone named (BABA SHARIF) who mostly tunes harmonium told me nothing is impossible I will fix it for you and he did it. I was extremely happy, he fixed my broken piano and tuned it many times cause it was very old, the date under piano was from 1952, after that I was practicing for hours every single day and after 2 years finally a piano technician came from Australia to ANIM, for 2 weeks he was one of the great piano technician in Australia which was piano technician in the most famous movie (SHINE), during these 2 weeks I have learnt most of the technics and tuning is spite of teaching my classes, he told me he was very surprised with my work after I tuned some pianos at ANIM, he told me that he will invite me to Australia to attend his courses for few months cause he told me I learnt almost 1 year work in 2 weeks and the day after he came to my house and checked my piano as a gift to me, I was very happy and I have been fixing and tuning my piano every month after that, few days later I have informed that Dr. Sarmast talked to him about me and he does not want me to go anywhere and he canceled the plan for Australia, I was upset about that but I could not do anything about it, finally he lift ANIM.
We did not have a TV in our hall for 1 year and my mom was upset about that sometimes, specially while the guests were coming to our house my mom seemed more sad than usual cause sometimes they were asking about TV, one day I told my mom that I want to sell my piano cause I want to buy the new one, she said: (Why do you want to sell your piano? you love your piano more than anything and specially you love old and antique things!) I said: I just want to buy the new one cause it is old enough now, my mom did not know that there is no new piano in the entire country, I sold it finally for few hundred dollars and it was the worst day of my year cause my piano was part of me, it was my soul, as if I sold my soul, few days later I surprised her, I took the money of my piano and brought her a LED 3D TV with 3D glasses, the first 3D movie we ever watched together was (Journey 2, The mysterious Island), I noticed a lasting smile in my mother's face after long time specially after loosing my dad, it was the first smile, which made me spiritually happy, I told to my self that night (Great job Milad! you did it!), but my mother never realized the secret after I sold my piano (My Soul), which was my father's memory, how much I cried after that, every night I was watching my pianos place it was empty, there was no piano anymore, I was crying under the blanket on my bed every night for months and months but my mother never knew what I have been through after I sold my piano, I am happy now cause I sacrificed for my mother as she sacrifices her self for us all the time. I just wanted to let you know about my piano story, so that some of your students might feel lucky to have their instruments at home.

Ich dachte bei dieser Geschichte sofort an @GSTLP aber auch an alle anderen Klavierbauer und sonstige Leser des Forums. Eben hatten wir noch eine kurze Konversation per SMS, in der er schreibt, dass er immer noch sehr traurig über den Verlust ist, dass er seine Familie vermisst und sich manchmal egoistisch vorkommt, weil er sie zurückgelassen hat, obwohl ihm alle sagten, er solle gehen.
Das macht mich alles sehr nachdenklich, traurig und dankbar gleichzeitig, und euch ja vielleicht auch.
Eure Stilblüte